Braucot uz šejieni biju pārliecināta, ka vēlos strādāt ar maziem bērniem bērnu dārzā, biju to jau darījusi un man tas ļoti patika! Un man tas patīk arī šeit, dārziņā Borocoto. Daudzi no šiem bērniem nāk no grūtiem apstākļiem un uzburt smaidu viņu sejās vai apskaut viņus, un likt viņiem justies drošībā silda manu sirdi
Lielākais pārsteigums man pašai ir prieks, kādu man sagādā vācu valodas pasniegšana. Laikam tādēļ, ka man šī valoda un vācu kultūra ir īpaši tuva. Mani studenti Guilford valodas skolā pārsvarā ir manā vecumā un motivēti, jo vēlas apgūt valodu paša interešu dēļ. Ir viegli komunicēt un klasē valda viegla un jautra atmosfēra! Pasniedzu arī angļu valodu, bet šī valoda man šķiet ļoti pašsaprotama, tādēļ īpaši neskumtu, ja šīs nodarbības tiktu atceltas.
Drīz sākšu iepazīties ar projektu rakstīšanu un cerams atradīšu gan motivāciju, gan idejas pašas projektam vai vismaz līdzdalībai kādā AUDELE projektā.
Pašlaik esmu apmierināta ar saviem pienākumiem un izbaudu gan darba laiku, gan brīvdienas
Before coming here I was sure that I want to work with little kids in a day-care, I had done that before and I loved it. And I love to do it here in the day-care Borocoto. A lot of the kids come from difficult homes and to make them smile, hug them and make them feel safe just worms my heart.
The biggest surprise though for myself was the joy I experience teaching German. Maybe it is because I have a special interest in this language and the German culture. My students in the Guilford language center are mostly my age and very motivated, because they would like to learn the language out of personal interest in it. It is easy to communicate in the class and we have fun. I also give English classes but this language is so usual to me, that I wouldn’t be sad if they got cancelled.
Soon I start to learn how to write a project and I hope I will have enough motivation and ideas to write one of my own or at least participate in creating a project for AUDELE.
Right now I satisfied with all my duties and I am enjoying my working time and my spare time.
Prima di arrivare qui ero sicura di voler lavorare con bambini piccoli un un asilo, l'avevo già fatto e mi era piaciuto molto. E mi piace moltissimo farlo al Borocoto. Molti dei bambini arrivano da situazioni difficili e farli sorridere, abbracciarli o farli sentire al sicuro mi piace.
La più grande sorpresa è stata quella di apprezzare l'esperienza di insegnare tedesco. Forse proprio perché la lingua e la cultura tedesca mi interessano molto. Per lo più i miei studenti, al Guildford, hanno la mia età e sono molto motivati.
E' facile comunicare e divertirsi facendo lezione!
Sto anche tenendo un corso di inglese...ma questa lingua è così abituale per me che se mi cancellassero le lezioni non mi dispiacerebbe poi tanto!
Presto inizierò ad imparare a fare progettazione e spero di trovare molta motivazione e nuove idee per scrivere uno o almeno, partecipare nella creazione di progetti per Audele.
Al momento posso dire di essere soddisfatta dei miei impegni ed anche del mio tempo libero!
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